Sunday, August 29, 2010

Family Picture time!

Every year we are in Maryland we like to take family pictures! We usually do it at the ocean, but for some reason we didn't do it this year. BUT we found a beautiful place to take them at Scott's mom's house. Maryland is so beautiful:) Some of these pictures are out of order, sorry!

The whole gang! We love our Maryland family and wish we could be with them more often! We really look forward to our yearly trips!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vacation is so much fun!

When we visit Elkton, Maryland we hit the ground running the second we get there! Scott is from Elkton and all of his family expect his dad, step-mom, step-sister and her family live there. So we make sure we visit with everyone! Now I will have to say that Murphy Jo was not her "normal" happy self while we were there. She had a few things going on 1) being in a new place was a hard adjustment for her and 2) she was also teething! So at times she was pretty cranky.... BUT overall she did really good! Even though she had 2 strikes against her she never let them get her down! She rolled with the punches and had a great time every place we went. She is such a trooper!!!!
The day after we got back from the beach we went to Scott's sisters house for a yummy cookout and to see her new place! She and her husband Jake had just moved into their new home a few weeks before we got there! I will have to say it is a super cute home! This was the first time Murphy Jo had been to a cookout where we ate outside and she seemed to really love it! The next few pictures are of the cookout!

Not really sure what to think, but is having a great time!
Murphy Jo with cousin Sophia eating! YUMMY!

PopPop T, MomMom J and Haleigh having a wonderful time with the family!!!!
Sister and brother-in-law Jake and Katie
Isn't she super cute!!!
Almost done!!!
Play time!!!! Yes with a stick!
And a little swim time!
MomMom J loves to have the girls help her make "buns"! And they love it too! BUT I think they like eating them more than making them!!!
We also try to visit Scott's granddad everyday while we are there! This year was a little harder because of Murphy Jo:( It is hard to keep her busy at PopPop Donald's house so we only went a few days, but Scott went everyday to visit him!
We love to visit with PopPop Donald! He is such a happy man with and amazing heart and a beautiful spirit! He is so kind hearted! We sure wish we could see him more often!
I tried to get PopPop to look at the camera but as you can see in the pictures he was really into Murphy Jo so he didn't look at me. Oh well, I think it is super cute and will be great memories one day! This was the first time for him to meet Murphy Jo and he loved her! She made him smile the whole time we were there!

Murphy Jo LOVES reading and would rather read a book sometimes than play! One thing that she did every night was crawl up in PopPop T's lap and read with him. It was sooo cute! BUT if you got a camera out she was SURE to look at you! It was so funny.
Yummy yummy CRABS!!!! One thing we make sure we always do while we are in Maryland is eat crabs! They are soooo super yummy but a lot of hard work! Man if I only ate crabs I would be super skinny cause you don't get much meat out of em and it takes FOREVER for this Southern girl to "open" em! You have to pull this way, break that way, clean out this part, don't eat that part..... man super confusing but super good! My brother-in-law can "open" up a crab in like 3 mins..... he is a pro!
Scott telling Haleigh what to do! I love this picture it pretty much explains Haleigh's whole life! Scott has always been so good at explaining things to her and letting her explore new things! He is such a good daddy!
The family Crab meeting!
Still lookin good! By this time I am running around chasing Murphy Jo! She loved the crab meat but was not a big fan of sitting and waiting for it!
Almost done!
Sophia with her corn on the cob! Murphy Jo had one too, but can you believe I didn't take a picture of her with it. Oh silly me!
I tell ya this sweet girl gets prettier and prettier every time we see her! She is getting so big and growing up so fast! We sure do love you Haleigh Bear!!!!
The last night we were in Maryland Murphy Jo made sure she got one last read in!!! And as you can tell she found the camera!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We LOVE the beach!!!

We had so much fun at the beach! It is always good to get together with the family and just relax for a week! Watching the kids play, relaxing in the sounds of the beautiful waves and people watching! This was Murphy Jo's first time at the beach and she LOVED it! The first 3 pictures are out of order but I will put captions under them to explain! I have added a ton of pictures and could have added so many more, but thought I should get this post posted:)

First wave
Ready to get in the water!Loves the sand!
Always has a smile on her face!
Beach baby!
Cousins havin' fun!
Haleigh and her friend Alex! Aren't they beautiful?
Sophia getting used to the water
Not to sure about the waves
After a few days of hangin at the beach, she LOVED the water and waves!!!!

1,2,3 JUMP!!

Ready or NOT here it comes!!!

Daddy and his sweet baby girl! (the condo's on the right is where we stayed!)

Scott and his mom and Murphy Jo trying to figure out why her hand was on Scott's shoulder!