Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Closing Day!

Well, today was the day we closed on our house. Everything went so well! We did our last "walk though" this morning. Our new house was a mess as the OLD owners were packing and getting ready to move. It was so fun to walk though our house again! Scott and I would say "such and such will go here" thoughout the whole house, and the cool thing was, WE WERE THINKING THE SAME THING!

The only problem we came across was the sprinkler system. We could not get all the zones to work when we were trying to turn them on. Finally after about 20 or 30 mins of working on it.... IT FINALLY worked! So everything is ready for us to move in now (not that the sprinkler system would have stopped us, it is just good to know everything works correctly now)!

After our walk through we went to eat at Red, Hot and Blue...... Scott's favorite place to eat! Then we were off to CLOSING! WOW I never knew how many papers were involved in this process. We got everything signed and then we were on our way....... to the NEW house you think..... well, not yet! The old owners will not be out till Friday and we will not get our keys till Saturday:( We will be moving in on Feb. 21!!!! It was really strange to think we now own a beautiful home and we can't get into it till Saturday......

After we went to Closing, Scott and I went to Wal-Mart and Lowes to look for Patio furniture. I think we are getting close to pick something out. It is going to be so much fun to decorate our new home!

I have some pictures to post, but will take more on Saturday when we get the keys!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Past Year........

I thought it would be good to tell you about my life this past year. I am very new to the whole Blog thing so you will have to excuse me if I don't update or add things like I should. My life is amazing. I have loved and learned through EVERYTHING I have been through. This past year has been even more amazing than any other year in my whole life. I hope you enjoy reading about it!
On May 3, 2008 I married the man of my dreams. Scott and I got married at one of the most amazing, most beautiful place in the world. We were married in Cancun, Mexico on the beach. It was the most beautiful day ever!
This is a picture of the place where we got married. It was amazing.
This is where we were married

This is Scott and I on our big day!

Scott and I were all smiles! Here is a picture of the group that came and enjoyed our wedding with us!

So not only was that a big day for us, but in July we found out we were expecting! We will be having a sweet little girl in April. Our due date is set for April 6, 2009. We are so excited to meet Murphy Jo. She is growing and starting to develop her own personality! Here is one of our latest Sonogram pictures!

She is so precious and we love her so much!

And last (for right now) but not least is......Scott and I just bought our First HOUSE!!!! I can't believe it! In one year, I have become a wife/stepmom, a MOM and a house owner..... WOW my life if great. Here is a picture of our new home!

Well, that has been my life so far this past year:)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

4D Sonogram

Yesterday was an amazing day for Scott, Haleigh and I. We got to "see" our sweet little girl Murphy Jo. We went to Stork Vision in Frisco, Texas and got a 4D sonogram. It is amazing how far technology has come! We could see her so well! She is sooo cute! Her nose is a such a Halley nose. (My mom's side of the family) The lady doing the sonogram kept telling us she has chubby cheeks!!! As we were watching her, we got to see all sorts of movement. She would smile, open her eyes, do some sucking, she would put her arm in front of her face (which she kept it there most of the time!), she would kick, and then she would just settle down and relax. She is so stinkin' cute! After seeing this, I just wanted to hold her, but I know she is not ready yet. We are at week 31 and I can't believe it is only 9 more weeks before I get to see my sweet bundle of joy!