Friday, December 31, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year for Thanksgiving we just hung out at the house! We didn't go anywhere, we just had family time! Now don't get your hopes up, I DID NOT cook a nice Thanksgiving dinner, I ordered a nice dinner from Tom Thumb:) I know what your thinking, lazy mans way of cooking, but really it turned out great and we didn't even have to get up early to get everything ready! It was great! Below you will see a few pictures I took of my little helpers!
We had a great time and I am so thankful for my family!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had a great time this year at Halloween! We went with our sweet friends the Kaspars! I teach with their sweet mom and we are really good friends! We went over to their neighborhood for the night and walked the streets asking for candy:) Murphy Jo was not sure at first about how this all worked, but after the first house or so when she realized she got some candy she had it down! Scott pulled the kids in a wagon and when we would stop at a house Murphy Jo would make sure she had her bucket in hand and would take off to the door! By the 4th house she had it down! We walked up to this house, Murphy Jo, Morgan and Keaton all got their candy and when the man moved to pass candy out to the people behind us, Murphy Jo went right in the house and was headed to the playroom! It was so cute!
Our Money

The 3 at the beginning of the night!

The First house!
We tried to get them all to look, but the girls were NOT having it!!!
Murphy Jo walked up to this house and when this man walked out, she slowly walked back to me, then she went right up to him to get some candy! It was so funny!
The End:)

Pumpkin Patch 2010

This year we decided to take Murphy Jo to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch! It was so fun! She loved it for the most part! She was unsure about the hay and would not sit still to get a "cute" picture with the pumpkins! But we had so much fun! I love watching her excitement when she discovers something new! She played hard and was pooped at the end of the day!

Our Special Date

So I have been trying to blog for a long time and every time I get on to blog, my pictures will not upload. I am so sorry it has been so long, but I have been trying!!! PROMISE!!!!

Back in Sept. I surprised Scott with a night at the Gaylord Texan! We have both never been away from Murphy Jo and I decided it was time to take some time for ourselves! So I totally surprised him with an overnight date! I had arranged for my friend Libby to come and stay with Murphy Jo and off we went! We walked around the Gaylord and then went to a really nice place to eat and then back to the Gaylord for some drinks! We had a great time and it was great to have that alone time! Below you will find just a few pictures. We didn't take very many, but here is what we took!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun on Kilby's Farm

There is a super cool place close to where Scott's mom lives called Kilby's Inc. they make their ice cream there! I LOVE going there! It is soooo yummy! They also have a little petting farm there and Murphy Jo loved it! Haleigh was right in her prime around all the animals and Sophia was having a great time as well! Below you will see a few pictures of this super cool place!
The front of the building

Sophia would love for Murphy Jo to come and sit down with her, but Murphy Jo was way to busy!
Sophia was loving her ice cream, Murphy Jo on the other hand.... NEVER ate any of hers!
Isn't this cool:)

We had a great time! Playing outside and eating ice cream is always a great way to end a great trip!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Family Picture time!

Every year we are in Maryland we like to take family pictures! We usually do it at the ocean, but for some reason we didn't do it this year. BUT we found a beautiful place to take them at Scott's mom's house. Maryland is so beautiful:) Some of these pictures are out of order, sorry!

The whole gang! We love our Maryland family and wish we could be with them more often! We really look forward to our yearly trips!