Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My new bed....kinda!!!

Murphy Jo is really thinking about something............
hmm......... could it be where she is going to be sleeping tonight?
One of Murphy Jo's favorite things to do is get in the dog beds! And believe it or not, Molly Ann and Shady don't mind! The "girls" have been really good to Murphy Jo and have adjusted to her running around the house!!!!

Forward Facing!!!!

One of the major milestones in Murphy Jo's life was when we turned her car seat around to face forward! We did this on March 26, 2010 after we got back from her Dr. apt! WOW it is a whole new world for her! Here are a few photos of that special event!!!
Daddy making sure everything is perfect! Sorry about his arm in the way!
Oh my goodness! Super cool! Facing forward AND a cell phone!!!
MomMom J and Big Sis we excited for me too!!!
She was totally watching Scott getting ready to drive off! She is thinking this is pretty cool!

One year old stats:)

I know, I know I am almost 3 months late on this..... but thought I would get it up before her 15 month apt in a few weeks! (June 28!)
At this one year apt on March 26, 2010, our sweet Murphy Jo was:
22 pounds 66%
30.5 inches 88%
and her head
18 1/4 inches 83%
She is growing like a weed! She fills our heart with so much joy and laughter! We love you sweet girl!

She loves the Dr. office! And sitting in that chair was a BIG deal to her!
Nothing like chillin before she sees the Dr!

Murphy Jo and Big Sis! She adores her so much! I am so thankful that we are blessed with two amazing girls! Thank you Haleigh for always being so good to Murphy Jo!