Wednesday, June 16, 2010

One year old stats:)

I know, I know I am almost 3 months late on this..... but thought I would get it up before her 15 month apt in a few weeks! (June 28!)
At this one year apt on March 26, 2010, our sweet Murphy Jo was:
22 pounds 66%
30.5 inches 88%
and her head
18 1/4 inches 83%
She is growing like a weed! She fills our heart with so much joy and laughter! We love you sweet girl!

She loves the Dr. office! And sitting in that chair was a BIG deal to her!
Nothing like chillin before she sees the Dr!

Murphy Jo and Big Sis! She adores her so much! I am so thankful that we are blessed with two amazing girls! Thank you Haleigh for always being so good to Murphy Jo!

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