Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Murphy Jo is HERE!!!

Okay so my last post was on Wednesday, March 25 and I was talking about how I am so happy to become a mommy! And how scared I was to "pass" the shoulders... little did I know that the very next day I would get to see my precious daughters face! So here is our story:
On Thursday morning, I went to school as usual. I was tired, but what do you expect when you are 8.5 months pregnant? I was talking to a friend on the way in to the building and told her, I am sooo ready to have this baby. Murphy and I were scheduled for our 38 week check up that morning at 9:50 a.m. So at about 9:30 my sub came in to watch my class till about 10:30 and we were off to see the Dr. and to hear my sweet little girls heart beat. When I got there I did the usual.... gave a sample of pee and got my blood pressure taken. It was a little high 142/96, but it has been kinda high the whole time. It is always in the 130's and sometimes in the 140's and the bottom number is anywhere from the 70's to the 80's..... anyway, when the Midwife Aliza came in she was said your BP is a little high, how do you feel about having the baby today? HOLY COW, I told her if she feels like I should than lets do it! She got everything set up and I was off to the hospital! I called Scott and asked him if he was ready to be a daddy again and he finished up a few things at work and was off to the house to get Murphy's bag and mine. I called my school and told them I will not be coming back, because Murphy will be here by dinner!
Once I got to the hospital they got me all prepared to induce and we were on our way to meeting Murphy. Aliza came in about 1:00 and broke my water and I got the epi. at about 2:15ish. I did not feel any pain at all.
My parents drove in from Ada, Oklahoma and arrived about 3:00. I had several visitors from school come up! By about 10:00 p.m. I started having some pretty major contractions so we started pushing. By 10:40 I was pushing really hard and Murphy Jo was brought into this world at 10:57! She was 8 pounds 4 oz. and 20 inches long!
Having Murphy Jo was the most wonderful experience ever! I know I was in a ton of pain and I wanted to give up because it hurt so bad, but when they laid her on my chest I could not remember the pain. It is so amazing how you can be in so much pain and not remember it 5 mins. later. That is truly the act of God!
Murphy Jo is the most amazing perfect baby ever! She is so sweet and beautiful! She is starting to get herself on a schedule and I am adjusting to being a new mom. To be honest it has not been really hard. But I do have one of the most amazing husbands ever! He has been a huge help. He is so in love with Murphy. It is so sweet to see him hold her, love on her and just be her dad!
I promise to be much better at updating my blog

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet entry. I'm so glad it all went so smoothly. She is so beautiful. I'm glad motherhood is treating you good too. It doesn't get much better than that. You are going to be a fabulous mom. You have had so much practice with all your school kids! Keep the pictures coming!
