Monday, November 23, 2009

The Apple of my eye!

I can't believe I forgot to put these two precious pictures on my last entry! How silly of me! Our children are the most important part of our lives! They say you never really know true love till you have your own children! Haleigh and Murphy Jo are great! They bring both Scott and I so much happiness! Now, I am not saying that our life is always a bed of roses but I am saying our life is wonderful and our children are great!
My Sweet husband and his girls! Just look at them! They love their daddy so much! And just look how beautiful they are......... the boys better watch out, because they first have to get through Daddy Bear!

I love my girls too! I promise to protect them and guide them in the right direction! I promise to love them through thick and thin! I know there are many blessings ahead and many trials to come! But I promise to show them the love of God through my actions! My only hope is they can watch me and see a great example of what a Lady of God should stand for!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Sweet Family

In life you always know that when you look around the world you see so many things that you are blessed with and so many things to be thankful for, but when you actually live with those blessings you have a whole new outlook on life! I will have to tell you that my family is my world! I have been blessed way beyond what I deserve! I have an amazing and supporting husband! Scott is such a caring husband/dad! You can see the love that he has for me and his daughters all over his face! Now are we always perfect for him? NO, but he takes us in our good time and bad!Thank you Scott for always being there for us!
I have an amazing Step-daughter, Haleigh! Her heart is so pure and so sweet! She has a huge passion in her heart to always do what is right and to be the best daughter/sister she can be! Haleigh is the big sister of 3 precious little ones! And she has so much love for each of them! And I promise, they are so in love with their big sister! Murphy Jo's face lights up when Haleigh comes in the room! And I know that her siblings at her mom's house do the same thing! Thank you Haleigh for being you!
I also have the SWEETEST baby girl! She is the light of my eye! I love to watch her grow and discover new things! She has the best personality! She is such a "on the go" girl! She is learning all about life and it is amazing to watch her! She is such a good girl! I am so thankful to be blessed with such an sweet little girl!
I am thankful for all the things in my life, but above anything else my family is the best in the world!
Here are some pictures from our Photo Session!

The Meck's
My sweet husband and I

The girls!
Murphy Jo (8 months)
Haleigh (11 years old)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Volleyball, Volleyball, Volleyball:)

Haleigh is LOVING Volleyball! She is sooo good at the game! Each Match she does sooo good! We are really proud of what she has accomplished on the court this season! She also loves it when people come to watch her! Scott's dad and step-mom have been to two games! (His sweet step-sister and her family have also come to one, but silly ole me forgot to bring my camera, boo on me!)
MomMom and PopPop Meck came to the game on Halloween! It was so much fun to have them there! And of course Haleigh rocked the house! Her are a few pictures at the game!

Mom Mom Patsy and Murphy Jo

Pop Pop Gary and Murphy Jo
Haleigh and Mom Mom and Pop Pop! Mom Mom is so happy Haleigh is playing Volleyball! Patsy was a Volleyball player herself! She has some good tips for Haleigh!
The Meck Family!
After the game we spent the day with Gary and Patsy! It was so much fun! We went to Scotty P's and then went over to Hobby Lobby! It was so much fun catching up with them!

These are a few of my favorite things.....

I LOVE Fall and I LOVE taking photos!
Our neighbor across the street had a TON of Fall leaves in his yard so we went over and had a "photo session"! Murphy Jo was so cute, she just didn't know what to think about all the leaves! But I think she had a good time eating them!
I love her face! It is like she is saying "what the heck is this?"
Hey guys this is really cool! You should come and play with me!

Yum, YUM!!!!!
What a sweet girl!
Such a happy girl!!!