Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life is great!

Well, for some reason I am not able to upload pictures right now:( I will try and upload in a few days! I just wanted to get you up-to-date on how things are going! Our life is amazing! Haleigh is doing wonderful in school! She is getting 7th and 8th grade Math work and is doing awesome with her other subjects! She has joined the new sport of texting! She cracks me up on how fast she is! Scott is working hard! His job is pretty demanding, but he does a great job balancing work and family! Spring time has sprung and he is outside working in the yard every weekend. He is also working on the pool and getting it ready for the summer! Murphy Jo is doing great! She is growing like a weed! She is walking all over the place. She is eating big people food and has started drinking 2% milk!!! She is starting to "talk" Murphy Jo style! She has started throwing "fits" but they are not to bad, YET!!! Me, well things have been crazy! Being a mommy, wife and a teacher. The end of the school year is always stressful, but I know I will get through it! I look forward to spending the summer with Murphy Jo and Haleigh!

I promise to post some pictures soon. I don't know what is going on but I hope to get it fixed soon!

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