Friday, July 31, 2009

My Hillbilly Friends

HAHA!!! When I first started teaching, I taught at a small school in South Eastern Oklahoma called Moyers. While I was there I met some forever Friends! And you guessed they are Hillbillys! Now they may look fancy in these pictures, but just trust me they are COUNTRY through and through! I love this family 100%. They are an amazing Christian family! When I first meet Kenda, she and I hit it right off and have been friends ever since! That was 11 years ago!

Kenda ( Momma Hillbilly) and Murphy Jo

Murphy Jo, Kenda and Kacey

Kacey, Me and Murphy Jo

The Groom, Jared, Murphy Jo and I
Kenda entered their kitchen in The Country Woman magazine and she won!!! There kitchen in amazing! Take a look at it!

18 Weeks old!

YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S CEREAL TIME!!!!

It is so hard to me to put my mind around the fact that our sweet little girl is already ready for rice cereal. I can't say it enough.... SHE IS GETTING SO BIG! We started out our day really early. Murphy Jo has been sleeping through the night for about 2 months now and all the sudden she thought it would be cool to wake up at 3:50! We have not had an early morning feeding in a LLLOOOONNNNGGGG time! She downed a 6 oz. bottle in no time and went right back to bed! We went to lunch with my good friend Sandy Simmons and then went to Target to buy Murphy Jo's first bowl and spoon! So we are all set and ready to have our cereal. When we got home I got everything ready and we were ready for our FIRST messy feeding!

Notice the matching bowl and spoon!

Everything is all ready!

Murphy Jo playing it cool!

Her sweet CLEAN face!

I just love this smile! It is like she smiles with her whole body!

So our first spoon full worked pretty well! She had that confused look on her face, but she did pretty good.

Still doing okay!!!

She LOST it! She is not liking this whole eating from a spoon thing. I don't know if it is because of the spoon or she is just not getting enough food fast enough! So I had the bright idea to fix another bottle and feed that to her...... and she loved it! HAHA

So after the bottle we went back to the cereal and she a few more spoonfuls!
Last night I was talking to my mother-in-law and she told me that my sister-in-law used to put the cereal in Sophie's bottle. So that is what we did last night and Murphy Jo did great! So that is what we are going to start doing till she gets used to the taste of the cereal! I am so proud of my baby!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We love Mrs. Amber

Mrs. Amber is Murphy Jo's pediatrician! She goes to RainTree Pediatrics here in Allen! We love Mrs. Amber! She always comes in with a huge smile on her face and Murphy Jo just seems to light up when she sees her! Amber has totally put my mind at ease on a number of different issues! One of the major ones is letting Murphy Jo CRY IT OUT! The last few weeks Murphy Jo thought it would be cute to throw HUGE fits right before she is about to fall asleep! So I asked Amber about it, she said "you are not going to like what I have to say", I totally knew what she was going to say, but needed to hear it from her anyway. She said "just put her in her crib and let her cry it out!" I asked her if it was okay to give her the paci back and how long I should let her cry and she said "right now it is okay to give the paci back, because she can't really reach for it yet..... now at 6 months if she is still doing that, I will have to tell you something totally different. Let her cry as long as you can stand it!" So, that afternoon we started our new routine, and Murphy Jo did GREAT! I think she has slept better since I started doing that!!!! Thanks Mrs. Amber for your great advice! Here a few pictures of Murphy Jo. These were taken after Murphy Jo's 4 month shots.....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

4 months old

WOW where has the time gone? Our lives have gone non-stop the last 4 months. We have changed the way we do everything, but we would not change the reason why for the world! Murphy Jo is so amazing. She has changed so much over the months. Not only has she grown a wonderful personality she has also grown in her abilities! On July 10 she started rolling over and now we can't keep her on her back! She loves to be on her tummy!!! She is now all about her hands! She LOVES putting those things in her mouth! It is so funny, she sucks so hard sometime that you can hear it! She loves to play on her tummy time mat, swing in her swing! She is a ton of fun! I love when I go in and get her out of the pack and play and she just smiles with her whole body! We went to the Dr. on Monday, July 27. Murphy Jo is now 15.10 pounds (85%) and is 25.5 inches long (87%). She is growing at a normal rate! We are so proud of her!

Thrilling Thursdays

I can't believe how our sweet baby girl has grown! She is so amazing! Murphy Jo was born on a Thursday evening! So each Thursday I take a new picture to see how our little Pumpkin has grown! The cutest thing happens each Thursday morning...... I get an email from my mom saying "It's Thursday, need a new picture"! Since our parents live so far way, Scotts mom and step-dad live in Elkton, Maryland, my parents live in Ada, Oklahoma and Scott's dad and step-mom live in Carthage, Texas..... we send them an update every Thursday. I thought I would share them with you too!

One day
One Week

2 weeks

3 months old ( I have no idea why it is here)

3 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

6 weeks

7 weeks

8 weeks

9 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks
12 weeks
13 weeks 14 weeks

16 weeks
17 weeks
Hope you enjoy seeing her grow as much as we do!

Monday, July 13, 2009

There were 5 in the bed and the little one said ROLL OVER!!!

Yep you guessed it! Murphy Jo has rolled over! She is going from her back to her tummy! She did it for the first time on Friday, July 10, 2009!!!! I am so proud if her! She did it again for her daddy and sister on Saturday! EVERY time I get the camera out to take a video, she will not roll... go figure! The first time she did it, I thought she would be a little scared, but she was not at all! She rolled to her belly and just smiled! She is all smiles all the time..... well, unless she is hungry, sleepy or dirty! She is on amazing little girl! I just wanted to shared the exciting news! If I can ever get it on camera I will post pictures!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First 4th of July!!!

Our Fourth of July was so much fun! We started our weekend at Jeff and Karen Dunnings house on Friday, July 3. We had yummy hamburgers and lots of fun with friends from Scott's hockey team. Then on Saturday, July 3 we went out to my long time friends house, Heather Wood. We had so much fun playing with her sweet girls, Andi and Avery. They are full of all kinds of energy! They had some much fun jumping on and playing with Scott on the floor. We had yummy hotdogs and the best chocolate delight ever! Murphy Jo did so good! She was such a good girl! She smiled and laughed at everyone! She is such an easy baby to take places! She jsut loves looking at all the new sights!

Andi, Avery, Murphy Jo and myself.

Andi, Murphy Jo and Avery! This is one of MANY pictures these girls will be taking together!

Aunt Heather and Murphy Jo
Sweet Murphy Jo

Aunt Karen

Uncle Matt

Daddy and Murphy Jo swimming at Uncle Jeff and Aunt Karens house!