Friday, July 31, 2009

YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S CEREAL TIME!!!!

It is so hard to me to put my mind around the fact that our sweet little girl is already ready for rice cereal. I can't say it enough.... SHE IS GETTING SO BIG! We started out our day really early. Murphy Jo has been sleeping through the night for about 2 months now and all the sudden she thought it would be cool to wake up at 3:50! We have not had an early morning feeding in a LLLOOOONNNNGGGG time! She downed a 6 oz. bottle in no time and went right back to bed! We went to lunch with my good friend Sandy Simmons and then went to Target to buy Murphy Jo's first bowl and spoon! So we are all set and ready to have our cereal. When we got home I got everything ready and we were ready for our FIRST messy feeding!

Notice the matching bowl and spoon!

Everything is all ready!

Murphy Jo playing it cool!

Her sweet CLEAN face!

I just love this smile! It is like she smiles with her whole body!

So our first spoon full worked pretty well! She had that confused look on her face, but she did pretty good.

Still doing okay!!!

She LOST it! She is not liking this whole eating from a spoon thing. I don't know if it is because of the spoon or she is just not getting enough food fast enough! So I had the bright idea to fix another bottle and feed that to her...... and she loved it! HAHA

So after the bottle we went back to the cereal and she a few more spoonfuls!
Last night I was talking to my mother-in-law and she told me that my sister-in-law used to put the cereal in Sophie's bottle. So that is what we did last night and Murphy Jo did great! So that is what we are going to start doing till she gets used to the taste of the cereal! I am so proud of my baby!

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