Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We love Mrs. Amber

Mrs. Amber is Murphy Jo's pediatrician! She goes to RainTree Pediatrics here in Allen! We love Mrs. Amber! She always comes in with a huge smile on her face and Murphy Jo just seems to light up when she sees her! Amber has totally put my mind at ease on a number of different issues! One of the major ones is letting Murphy Jo CRY IT OUT! The last few weeks Murphy Jo thought it would be cute to throw HUGE fits right before she is about to fall asleep! So I asked Amber about it, she said "you are not going to like what I have to say", I totally knew what she was going to say, but needed to hear it from her anyway. She said "just put her in her crib and let her cry it out!" I asked her if it was okay to give her the paci back and how long I should let her cry and she said "right now it is okay to give the paci back, because she can't really reach for it yet..... now at 6 months if she is still doing that, I will have to tell you something totally different. Let her cry as long as you can stand it!" So, that afternoon we started our new routine, and Murphy Jo did GREAT! I think she has slept better since I started doing that!!!! Thanks Mrs. Amber for your great advice! Here a few pictures of Murphy Jo. These were taken after Murphy Jo's 4 month shots.....

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