Wednesday, March 31, 2010

She's a BIG girl Now! SHE'S ONE!

I can't believe my sweet baby is already ONE! I will be honest, I was having a very hard time with this! It made me sad just to think about it! I will spare you with all the mushy details and get on with this happy blog! ( Well, actually I may get all mushy in another blog!)

Murphy Jo was a trooper at her party! She slept till 8:00 the morning of her party! She didn't go down for her morning nap so she was really tired by the time everyone started showing up at 11:00! But you would have never known it unless you looked at her eyes! She was so happy the whole time! She LOVED all the attention!
It has been a great year! And we are very blessed to have an amazing ONE year old!

Down memory lane! Pictures of our 4D sonogram all the way to 12 months!

She's ONE and super cute!
Playing babies with Delaney

And the friends came to celebrate!

Below you will see some of the friends that came to celebrate with us! ( This is not everyone!)
The Mecks
Me and sweet Haleigh
Heather and Murphy Jo
Krista and D (Delaney)
I just love this picture! Aunt Andi watching Murphy Jo eat cake!
Aunt Kerri and Murphy Jo
Our Good Friends Jeff and Karen Dunning!
Good Friends- The Mitchells
Good Friends- The Bobo's
Haleigh and Natalie
"Aunt" Andi and "Uncle" Kevin
Ms. Kathy and Sam
Nat and Murphy Jo
Aunt Andi and Murphy Jo

The Gifts

Murphy Jo is so blessed to have so many people around her that love her so much! She got so many fun and cool gifts! One of my friends, Kathy T. said to me moments before we started opening gifts, "you know that she is only going to open one gift and then be done with it, right?" Well, I thought maybe, but then I had hope she would stick around to open all her gifts! Well, I was wrong and my sweet friend was right! Murphy Jo really only opened one gift and then she was off playing. I would bring her back but she would not stay long! So I guess I could say I had fun opening her gifts! Thank you everyone for all the fun things you got Murphy Jo!

Mommy and Murphy Jo
Her sing/dance performance before she opened her gifts!
My happy girl!
Taking a quick look and then she was off to play again!
Lovin' her book!
She was amazed at all the tissue paper, gift bags and wrapping paper!

The Cake

This is always one of my favorite part of ONE year old parties! I love to watch the mess! And my sweet daughter was no different! So let me give you the background of this cake!
I stressed for many many weeks over what our "theme" was going to be. I am not one to really do "themes" so this was a hard decision for me. Then one day it just came to me.... Zebra and Fushia! Now that I got that all settled, I had to start working on a cake! I had NO idea where to start or what to even do! I was looking at my friend Shannon's blog and saw the cutest cake for her daughters ONE year old party. So I emailed her right away and got "her girls" information! And I tell you her sweet friend Christy is a huge blessing! I told her my vision and she ran with it! This is the end product! Isn't it super cute!!!! She did amazing!!!!

She even came and set it all up! (Well the cake anyway, I did the rest!)
Look at the detail!

Isn't it beautiful?
Her first taste!
Oops I forgot to put the hat one when I first gave her the cake:) She didn't like it, so it didn't last long!
I love love love this mess!
Getting cleaned up and she did NOT like it at all!
LOL, still not liking the clean up!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh MY Goodness.....

Murphy Jo has learned how to type, thanks to her sweet daddy! She thinks it is really funny to get able to type on our laptop! I on the other hand think we have created a monster:) But who knows maybe these early skills will make her a ton of money some day!
Typing with daddy
Aren't you so proud of me mommy?

Here we go!


Murphy Jo is so into opening cabinets and exploring! We caught her one day in one of the cabinets! Of course it doesn't have anything in it! I thought it was super cute and wanted to share it with y'all!
Hi Mom:)
" This must be how the door opens and closes!"
(once again trying to figure it out!)
Look at me!
Okay here I go!

Little Gym Pictures FINALLY:)

Little Gym is going great! I think this is one of the best things we have done for our sweet little Cupcake! She has always been a social bug, but now we get to see her with kids her own age! It is so fun to watch her interact and "play" with her new friends! She was cracking me up last week, she was over at the uneven bars trying to figure out how it is put together (think she has a little of her daddy in her?)! YELP she is the the ONLY kid that is over there trying to "figure" it out! So funny! Anyway, here are a few pictures from Little Gym.

If you look real close you will see bubbles. They do bubbles the last 10 mins of every class and she LOVES them!
Here ya go, now you can see the bubbles!
Murphy Jo and one of her new friends:)
Daddy and Murphy Jo on the balance beam!
She loves loves loves the bar! She actually pulls herself up, with my spot!
Walking on the high balance beam! I love her face here!