Wednesday, March 31, 2010

She's a BIG girl Now! SHE'S ONE!

I can't believe my sweet baby is already ONE! I will be honest, I was having a very hard time with this! It made me sad just to think about it! I will spare you with all the mushy details and get on with this happy blog! ( Well, actually I may get all mushy in another blog!)

Murphy Jo was a trooper at her party! She slept till 8:00 the morning of her party! She didn't go down for her morning nap so she was really tired by the time everyone started showing up at 11:00! But you would have never known it unless you looked at her eyes! She was so happy the whole time! She LOVED all the attention!
It has been a great year! And we are very blessed to have an amazing ONE year old!

Down memory lane! Pictures of our 4D sonogram all the way to 12 months!

She's ONE and super cute!
Playing babies with Delaney

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