Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Gifts

Murphy Jo is so blessed to have so many people around her that love her so much! She got so many fun and cool gifts! One of my friends, Kathy T. said to me moments before we started opening gifts, "you know that she is only going to open one gift and then be done with it, right?" Well, I thought maybe, but then I had hope she would stick around to open all her gifts! Well, I was wrong and my sweet friend was right! Murphy Jo really only opened one gift and then she was off playing. I would bring her back but she would not stay long! So I guess I could say I had fun opening her gifts! Thank you everyone for all the fun things you got Murphy Jo!

Mommy and Murphy Jo
Her sing/dance performance before she opened her gifts!
My happy girl!
Taking a quick look and then she was off to play again!
Lovin' her book!
She was amazed at all the tissue paper, gift bags and wrapping paper!

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