Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ocean City Maryland 2010

We had a great time at the beach! Here are a few "non" beach pictures! We stayed at a Condo called The Rainbow! It is right on the beach and has a beautiful view! And can you believe that I didn't even take a picture of it:( The kids had so much fun playing with each other and just having family time! Kate and Jake (sister and brother in law) were not able to stay the whole week so they came down Saturday night and left on Sunday. BUT we got to keep our sweet niece till Wednesday!
We usually go out to eat just about every night but this year we decided to do it differently! We ate in most nights and went out only once as a family while we were there! Scott and I always get one date night so we went out one night just the two of us!
We had a fantastic time and can't wait to go back next year!

This is our sweet niece and Murphy Jo!
Ring around the Rosy........
.... ashes ashes, we all......
FALL DOWN........
then I say
Fishes in the ocean, fishes in the sea
I better get up before ONE gets me.....
and they would both JUMP up and do it all over again! So CUTE!

Murphy Jo helping MomMom Jo make some biscuits!
Murphy Jo thought this would be a great place to wait on MomMom!
Sweet girl!
PopPop Tom and his girls! Haleigh and her friend Alex
Alex is a girl that Haleigh met last year! She is a super funny little girl! She kept us rolling with her stories! She LOVES to talk and I think pretty much talked the WHOLE time we were there!
Not sure what to think!
Bath time!!!!
The girls LOVED each other and had so much fun together!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Way Up in the Sky

On Friday, July 9 Murphy Jo got to experience her first airplane ride!!!
We were going back and forth on buying her a seat or not and we decided it would be best to go ahead and buy her one. My mother in law already had a car seat so we didn't need to bring ours. So we bought this cool harness that straps around the seat of the plane! It is so cool! Not only does it keep her from kicking the seat in front of her, but it also gives her lots of room to move around! (And little did we know it would be her source of entertainment!- read down and you will understand what I am talking about)
Scott and I did lots of research weeks before we left on how to entertain a 15 month old! Scott had read something having "surprises" every so often! So I went and bought 3 new books, some white paper and crayons, and a new makers......
So there we were all loaded on the plane and it started to go down the runway........... then all of the sudden it stops and the pilot came on and said that they thought they were going to have 10 min delay but looks like now it is going to be an HOUR AND TEN MINS due to a storm up in Maryland! And there were no gates for us to go back to. Yep you read it right! I couldn't believe it, what in the world was I going to do with Murphy Jo for that long.....? So I unbuckled her and let her play around in her seat! And about 30 mins later the pilot came back on and said that everything was good and we were ready for take-off!!!! Murphy Jo cried for about 45 sec. when we were taking off and that was it the whole time!!!!!
Murphy Jo all buckled in ready for take-off
How cool!
This book was the best! It is actually one she got for her birthday from my sweet friend Meghan Ross and Murphy Jo LOVES this book! It is called "Ten Friendly Fireflies" and the book actually lights up! We read it over and over again! So at the last min I decided to throw it into the bag of goodies and I am so glad I did!!!
Scott and Haleigh
This was the entertainment for the ride! Murphy Jo played with her harness about 2/3 of the flight! The rest was spent reading books! She figured out how to buckle the harness!
Murphy Jo did awesome on the plane! We didn't give her any meds at all but did have them on stand by just in case she got really fussy! Everyone around us was so surprised how well she did! Scott and I were very proud of her!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July!!!!

This year for the Fourth we didn't do much! Scott, Murphy Jo and I got up early and went shopping at the Allen Outlet Mall and then came home and just relaxed! It was a great day! I love days that you don't have to worry about going anywhere! So when we got home Murphy Jo took her nap and then I thought I would try another photo session with my sweet baby girl and here is how it went......................
Mom, I love this camera.... can I see it?
See if you can catch me....
Look mom.......
I love it outside!!!
I'm ready to go.......
So needless to say, I didn't get any "great" pictures, but I think I got some super cute ones. Murphy Jo LOVES the camera on HER time!

I just found these pictures:)

As I was looking through some of our pictures on the computer I found these! Let me give you the background on what they were for!
I thought I would try and save some money and take Murphy Jo's first birthday pictures..... well, it didn't turn out so good. But looking back, I think they are so cute so I wanted to share them with you! (BTW, we STILL have NOT got her ONE year old pictures taken!!!!) I really need to get back into taking pictures! This is a love of mine and once I learn how to use photoshop, I will never need to go to a professional studio!!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Haleigh's 6th grade Graduation:)

Haleigh is grown up:( She is now a 7th grader........... I can't believe it! She is such a great girl and a wonderful example to her sisters and brother! She is such a bright smart young lady! She is the sparkle in her daddy's eye! He lights up each time she comes to stay with us and each time he gets to talk to her on the phone! I love to watch their relationship! I am so thankful to have such a wonder step-daughter in my life! And I am so grateful to have a husband that is such an amazing daddy!
Congrats to you Haleigh on your graduation from 6th grade!!!

She amazes us!

Scott got Murphy Jo this new tube and she loves it! She has learned how to spin herself around and has learned to kick to make herself go forward! It makes her so happy. She is such and independent little lady that this is perfect for her! NOW it does make mommy kinda nervous, but I know she is okay so I have to let her have fun!!! She loves the water!!!

I just don't have words for this one......

I am truly speechless for this post, but enjoy the pictures! Murphy Jo was really "talking" on the phone. She would talk and then stop and "listen" and then start talking again! It was so funny!

Little Gym

I truly believe that Little Gym is amazing and is great for Murphy Jo! She enjoys it so much! She will not even hold my hand to talk into the building anymore! She goes right in like she owns the place! She is learning so much! She has learned, with help, how to do a flip, she walks on the balance beam, loves the bars, and LOVES to climb on everything at Little Gym.... and that has carried over to home!!!! We found her the other day trying to hang on the bar in our closet! She is such a cutie!
This is Miss. Stephanie, she was Murphy Jo's first teacher!
Do you feel the love? PRECIOUS!

Such a big girl!!!! Waiting to class to start!
Haleigh and Scott even got up to go to the 8:30 AM Saturday class!
Miss Stephanie is using Murphy Jo as an example for the class! Look at those straight arms!!!
She LOVES to hang on the bar! Look her feet are OFF the ground!!! Yep she is a strong one!
This one is for Poppy John! Murphy Jo LOVES to play basketball!

At the end of each class the blow bubbles this may be one of Murphy Jo's favorite things! She follows the teacher as they are blowing the bubbles! It's so cute!

An awesome woman!!!!

Have you ever know those people that come in your life and you KNOW that they will be a FOREVER FRIEND? Well, let me introduce you to one of those people! Her name is Allie Arnett. I met Allie in August of 2007 when I was looking at my class list and she was the first name I came to.... NO she was not in my class, LOL but her precious little daughter Kylie was! As I was looking at my class list the parents names were also listed! And when I looked at it I saw the name Scott and Allison (Allie) I thought that was the coolest thing ever and I knew I was going to LOVE this family! And I DO! They are an amazing example of what a married couple should be like! Now let me tell you about Allie!
Allie is a TRUE lady of God! She shows His love and grace to everyone! She has this smile that will totally draw you to her! Allie is always has sweet words, her way of talking to you is one that makes you feel like a million bucks! She is an amazing wife that totally supports her husband in everything he does! She is also an amazing MOMMY! She has 4 of the most beautiful BLONDE kids! They are so blessed to have her as their mommy!!!
I have loved Allie for the moment I met her! She has always encouraged in everything I do! I am so thankful she is in my life!
So you are asking why I am making this post........ Well, I am telling you about an amazing woman who is battling Stage 4 cancer. I am not sure what kind and I don't want to get it wrong... but I can PROMISE you with all my heart that she is NOT letting this cancer get her down. She is still the Mommy, Wife and Friend that I knew 3 years ago and she STILL has that same smile and those SAME encouraging words for everyone!
I ask that you keep this precious family in your prayers! Please go to her caringbridge and read her story and her courage!

Allie and I at her benefit walk that a few of her friends put on! Such a blessing!
Natalie, Murphy Jo and Bailey (Allie's oldest)

Fun at Aunt Heathers house!

Ridin' in my car...... well, really JEEP!!! This was the cutest thing ever! Sweet Andi took Murphy Jo for a ride in her Jeep and Murphy Jo loved it! Avery tried to but was not going fast enough and Murphy Jo was trying to take the wheel:) She sat there so well and totally enjoyed her ride! We love hanging out in the country with the Wood's!!!
Murphy Jo and Andi
What a good driver!
To cute for words!
Murphy Jo helping Avery open her birthday gifts!