Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July!!!!

This year for the Fourth we didn't do much! Scott, Murphy Jo and I got up early and went shopping at the Allen Outlet Mall and then came home and just relaxed! It was a great day! I love days that you don't have to worry about going anywhere! So when we got home Murphy Jo took her nap and then I thought I would try another photo session with my sweet baby girl and here is how it went......................
Mom, I love this camera.... can I see it?
See if you can catch me....
Look mom.......
I love it outside!!!
I'm ready to go.......
So needless to say, I didn't get any "great" pictures, but I think I got some super cute ones. Murphy Jo LOVES the camera on HER time!

1 comment:

  1. They may not be "great" (according to you), but they sure are adorable!!!
