Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Gym

I truly believe that Little Gym is amazing and is great for Murphy Jo! She enjoys it so much! She will not even hold my hand to talk into the building anymore! She goes right in like she owns the place! She is learning so much! She has learned, with help, how to do a flip, she walks on the balance beam, loves the bars, and LOVES to climb on everything at Little Gym.... and that has carried over to home!!!! We found her the other day trying to hang on the bar in our closet! She is such a cutie!
This is Miss. Stephanie, she was Murphy Jo's first teacher!
Do you feel the love? PRECIOUS!

Such a big girl!!!! Waiting to class to start!
Haleigh and Scott even got up to go to the 8:30 AM Saturday class!
Miss Stephanie is using Murphy Jo as an example for the class! Look at those straight arms!!!
She LOVES to hang on the bar! Look her feet are OFF the ground!!! Yep she is a strong one!
This one is for Poppy John! Murphy Jo LOVES to play basketball!

At the end of each class the blow bubbles this may be one of Murphy Jo's favorite things! She follows the teacher as they are blowing the bubbles! It's so cute!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun and you can tell Murphy Jo really has a good time!!
