Thursday, August 6, 2009

19 weeks old

Yep you read it right.... 19 weeks old! It just does not seem possible. I am sorry that this is not our "normal" photo session picture. I have been going up to school this week and taking Murphy Jo to the sitter. I am not used to our new schedule and it was hard to get our photo session in. I am going to have to work on that! Murphy Jo had a very busy day! She went to Auntie Andi's at 9:00, they had a great day! She went to the Libray with Auntie Andi, Natalie (her daughter) and Gram (her son)! When I picked her up at 2:00 we went to a playdate with Ebby Lee! Murphy Jo was worn completely out! She took an hour and a half nap at Ebby Lee's and when we got home we played for a little while and then she ate her dinner had her bath and after I put her in bed, I thought I have not taken her weekly picture! So I got her out of her pack'n'play and took a few pictures. She was sooo tired! She have sleepy eyes!

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