Monday, August 10, 2009

Sleeping Baby!

When Murphy Jo was first born, one of my favorite things was to swaddle her up and rock her to sleep! To watch her sweet face and her eyes slowly close was such a blessing to me! It was so amazing to see her change each day! Really I think she really did change right before my eyes! She was always so easy to put to sleep! She would look us in the eyes, smile and the next thing we knew she was sleeping! We NEVER put her down till we heard that last DEEP breath! It was so cute, it was like she was saying "I am out you can put me down now!"

Well, that soon all changed when she was about 3 1/2 months old. She would totally fight us. She would let us swaddle her and rock her for about 5 mins! I would look her in the eyes and see her sweet face glow..... then all the sudden she would look at me and give me this grin that said "nope you are not going to put me to sleep!" Then after that would come this awful scream for about 5 mins. It was awful and I would get upset b/c I didn't know what was going on! So after our 4 month Dr. apt and she told me just to let her "cry it out", things have been wonderful!

Murphy Jo has herself on a really good routine! She starts getting really sleepy at about 7:15ish! We eat our last bottle, have our bath, do our nightly lotion massage and she is ready to go to sleep! She will not let us swaddle her anymore! She is such a wiggle worm:) So I put her in her pack'n'play and she is pretty much out! She usually sleeps till about 7:00 in the morning. We are truly blessed to have a good sleeper!

As much as I loved rocking her to sleep, I am very thankful that she sleeps so well! She is such a blessing to us!

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