Monday, August 31, 2009

Meghan's Shower

My sweet friend Meghan Ross is due in October. Murphy Jo and I were invited to a beautiful shower for Meghan and Emma Kate! We can't wait to meet Emma Kate! I just know that she and Murphy Jo are going to be great friends!

I had Meghan for her Student Teaching 1 and 2. She is an amazing teacher. She is like a sponge wanting to know everything she can about how to better her students. I am so glad I got to help mold her, she didn't need much molding but it sounds good anyway:) She is just a natural teacher! We are going to really miss her at Kerr!

Sweet kisses
My love, but there was no getting her to look at the camera!

Meghan and Baby Emma Kate

My sweet and dear friend Carla! I love her so much and miss her a bunch at Kerr. She is also an amazing teacher! She is getting to stay home with her sweet baby boy!

Sweet Kim and Murphy Jo! They always have such a great time together!
She is always smiling!

I just love this girl!

Meghan, Ms. Bell and Mrs. Laabs looking at Meghan's hurt toe!

I love this picture! Look how cute Emma Kate is!
This is another dear friend Darci Laabs. Meghan did her second half of Student teaching with her!

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