Monday, October 26, 2009

Bath Time

Murphy Jo LOVES bath time! She has always loved the water! Scott has started letting her play with the water and with some toys and she LOVES it! (I know a few of these pictures are out of order, but I could not figure out how to change them around.... sorry!) Anyway, she tries to reach for the water and grab a hold of it! It is so funny! Then he will turn the water off and she will still try to grab at the water! It is so fun to watch her try and figure out why there isn't any water coming out!

She loves watching us get the bath water ready....
Trying to pull herself in.........
Such a big girl!
She really wishes I would stop taking pictures and let her in the tub!
Trying to grab the water! Look at her determination!


One of Murphy Jo's favorite things to do it to wake up and just start talking. It is so cute! She will lay in her crib for a long time just talking! When she is ready to get out she does this! It is sooo cute!

7 Months Old.....

Really is she already 7 months old????? I can't believe it. It seems like the time has just flown by so fast! Murphy Jo is doing great! She is really growing into her own person! She is getting a great personality and is such a blessing to be around. Scott and I have decided she is going to be an ornery one! She is very dramatic and full of life! I have had to tell her NO a few times because she was headed for the outlet in the wall, and that sweet little girl of ours just turned around and gave me this huge smile and laughed....... boy am I going to have my hands full! Her daddy had to spank her on the diaper the other day because she was trying to pull the cord on a fan that would have fallen on her. He spanked her one time and she "cried" for a few seconds and went right back over there, so he spanked her again and she started to "cry" she put her face in her hands and was done crying in about 1 minute.... yep she is already trying to pull one over on us! It is so funny to watch her! She crawling all over the place and is trying to pull up on things. We had to lower her crib the last Thursday because we were scared she may try and pull up!

Here she is with her "papa" smile again!
Just look at that sweet face!
Murphy Jo is all about her big sister! She loves to watch Haleigh practice Volleyball around the house! Haleigh can make her belly laugh! It is super cute!
I don 't know where she came up with this silly smile..... she really has a cute smile when she isn't being silly!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

She's got skills..............

...... she knows how to use them!
Haleigh is an amazing Volleyball player! We LOVE to go and watch her play and EXCEL! You should watch her! She loves the game and is always practicing! Her team is doing well. Right now they are in 4th place and still have about 3 games to play! It is fun to watch each Match! I didn't know much about Volleyball before she started, but now I am loving it! I have learned that they are MATCHES not GAMES and they are SETS not PERIODS! (Can you tell I am all about Basketball??)

Here is "Canon" with one of her amazing servers!
And yet another serve!Murphy Jo, MomMom Jo and Haleigh
Samantha and Haleigh....
"Aunt Kathy", Murphy Jo, MomMom Jo and Samantha! We were really excited to see Kathy and "Sam" come to cheer Haleigh on! Kathy and Sam live behind our babysitter and Haleigh has become very good friends with them! She and Sam get along so well and love playing together!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Up and rockin!!!

Murphy Jo is just a few weeks from crawling! She is up on all 4's and just starts to rock! She acts like she is wanting to go somewhere, but doesn't know how to get there! It is so funny! She starts to rock and then falls flat on her face, it is so darn cute! And then she starts her army crawl! I just wanted to share these cute pictures with everyone!

Look at me!!!!!
Mom, how do I move????

Look at me! Yes, I still have my grandpa smile!
I just love this cute little face!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I am a huge OSU Cowboy's fan! I thought is little outfit was super cute and just had to get it for Murphy Jo! I hope she is a big fan like me! My obsession start when Big Country (Bryant Reeves) played basketball for them! I guess I could relate to him because I am so tall! And my love for OSU just stuck!
Murphy Jo is so cute, we will do this cute little cheer where I will hold her hands up over her head and make a O, then I take one down and make an S and then I put both back up and make a U. I will say O-S-U Cowpokes and then shake her little arms and she will just laugh! It is so funny!

Haleigh-Bear (Canon!!!)

Haleigh is doing GREAT! She is busy with school and is playing Volleyball! She is such a blessing to have with us! She always has the biggest smile on that sweet face of hers! She is always so encouraging and so helpful! I love to watch her and her daddy play together! I love to watch/listen to them do homework and just sit and talk! You have never seen a father/daughter bond till you see Scott and Haleigh! She loves her daddy soooo much and it is written all over her face!

Haleigh is playing Volleyball for ASA! I will post some pictures when I get/take some! They have practice every Tuesday and games every Saturday! Last Tuesday at practice the coach was calling her Canon, because her serve was so amazing! When Haleigh serves not many people can return them! She is doing a great job and loves the sport! She is a natural! She loves to try and figure out the best plays and the best placement for the ball (the weak side of the other team!) It is so fun to go and watch her play! Murphy Jo loves to watch her sister play! She sits the WHOLE game and watches what is going on!

She is also doing great in school! Making awesome grades and making lots of friends! She is playing in the band and is part of our schools safety patrol! We love having her at our school!

Haleigh and Shady on a lazy Saturday morning!

6 months old!

I am having such a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact Murphy Jo is already 6 months old! It seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. She has been such a joy to Scott and I! She has the best personality and is just happy all the time. When I first thought of being a mom I had NO idea what to expect! Would she be a good baby, would she sleep through the night, would she be a good eater, would she share, and the list goes on and on. We have been blessed beyond what we could have ever expected! Murphy Jo is truly the Happiest Baby On the Block! She sleeps like a champ! She eats like a HOSS and she is as happy as a..... well, just think of all the happy things in our life and she is all of them!

We went for her 6 month check up and Murphy Jo is 27.5 inches long (94%) and she is 17 pounds 12.7 oz. (80%) She is growing fast! We are going have us one long lean baby girl! It is so exciting! I am thinking about putting a Volleyball and Basketball in her hands! The Dr. said she is ahead of schedule with her "army crawl"! She expects that Murphy Jo will be crawling really soon and will be pulling up not long after that!

She is now eating Stage One foods! She loves them all, well everything but Bananas! You should watch her when she first tastes something, it is the funniest thing ever! She will get this "sour" face on and will wiggle her whole body! Scott and I just laugh! She has tried Squash, Peas, Sweet Peas, Green Beans, Bananas and Pears.

We are so thankful for such an amazing little girl!

My Little Sweet Pea
What a sweetheart!
The "grandpa" smile!
Mommy and sweet Murphy Jo