Sunday, October 4, 2009

6 months old!

I am having such a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact Murphy Jo is already 6 months old! It seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. She has been such a joy to Scott and I! She has the best personality and is just happy all the time. When I first thought of being a mom I had NO idea what to expect! Would she be a good baby, would she sleep through the night, would she be a good eater, would she share, and the list goes on and on. We have been blessed beyond what we could have ever expected! Murphy Jo is truly the Happiest Baby On the Block! She sleeps like a champ! She eats like a HOSS and she is as happy as a..... well, just think of all the happy things in our life and she is all of them!

We went for her 6 month check up and Murphy Jo is 27.5 inches long (94%) and she is 17 pounds 12.7 oz. (80%) She is growing fast! We are going have us one long lean baby girl! It is so exciting! I am thinking about putting a Volleyball and Basketball in her hands! The Dr. said she is ahead of schedule with her "army crawl"! She expects that Murphy Jo will be crawling really soon and will be pulling up not long after that!

She is now eating Stage One foods! She loves them all, well everything but Bananas! You should watch her when she first tastes something, it is the funniest thing ever! She will get this "sour" face on and will wiggle her whole body! Scott and I just laugh! She has tried Squash, Peas, Sweet Peas, Green Beans, Bananas and Pears.

We are so thankful for such an amazing little girl!

My Little Sweet Pea
What a sweetheart!
The "grandpa" smile!
Mommy and sweet Murphy Jo

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