Saturday, October 24, 2009

She's got skills..............

...... she knows how to use them!
Haleigh is an amazing Volleyball player! We LOVE to go and watch her play and EXCEL! You should watch her! She loves the game and is always practicing! Her team is doing well. Right now they are in 4th place and still have about 3 games to play! It is fun to watch each Match! I didn't know much about Volleyball before she started, but now I am loving it! I have learned that they are MATCHES not GAMES and they are SETS not PERIODS! (Can you tell I am all about Basketball??)

Here is "Canon" with one of her amazing servers!
And yet another serve!Murphy Jo, MomMom Jo and Haleigh
Samantha and Haleigh....
"Aunt Kathy", Murphy Jo, MomMom Jo and Samantha! We were really excited to see Kathy and "Sam" come to cheer Haleigh on! Kathy and Sam live behind our babysitter and Haleigh has become very good friends with them! She and Sam get along so well and love playing together!

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