Monday, October 26, 2009

7 Months Old.....

Really is she already 7 months old????? I can't believe it. It seems like the time has just flown by so fast! Murphy Jo is doing great! She is really growing into her own person! She is getting a great personality and is such a blessing to be around. Scott and I have decided she is going to be an ornery one! She is very dramatic and full of life! I have had to tell her NO a few times because she was headed for the outlet in the wall, and that sweet little girl of ours just turned around and gave me this huge smile and laughed....... boy am I going to have my hands full! Her daddy had to spank her on the diaper the other day because she was trying to pull the cord on a fan that would have fallen on her. He spanked her one time and she "cried" for a few seconds and went right back over there, so he spanked her again and she started to "cry" she put her face in her hands and was done crying in about 1 minute.... yep she is already trying to pull one over on us! It is so funny to watch her! She crawling all over the place and is trying to pull up on things. We had to lower her crib the last Thursday because we were scared she may try and pull up!

Here she is with her "papa" smile again!
Just look at that sweet face!
Murphy Jo is all about her big sister! She loves to watch Haleigh practice Volleyball around the house! Haleigh can make her belly laugh! It is super cute!
I don 't know where she came up with this silly smile..... she really has a cute smile when she isn't being silly!

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