Sunday, October 4, 2009

Haleigh-Bear (Canon!!!)

Haleigh is doing GREAT! She is busy with school and is playing Volleyball! She is such a blessing to have with us! She always has the biggest smile on that sweet face of hers! She is always so encouraging and so helpful! I love to watch her and her daddy play together! I love to watch/listen to them do homework and just sit and talk! You have never seen a father/daughter bond till you see Scott and Haleigh! She loves her daddy soooo much and it is written all over her face!

Haleigh is playing Volleyball for ASA! I will post some pictures when I get/take some! They have practice every Tuesday and games every Saturday! Last Tuesday at practice the coach was calling her Canon, because her serve was so amazing! When Haleigh serves not many people can return them! She is doing a great job and loves the sport! She is a natural! She loves to try and figure out the best plays and the best placement for the ball (the weak side of the other team!) It is so fun to go and watch her play! Murphy Jo loves to watch her sister play! She sits the WHOLE game and watches what is going on!

She is also doing great in school! Making awesome grades and making lots of friends! She is playing in the band and is part of our schools safety patrol! We love having her at our school!

Haleigh and Shady on a lazy Saturday morning!

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