Thursday, February 25, 2010

She was 6 and now.......

She is 12! Really our sweet Haleigh has grown up that fast and I feel like the time has passed that fast! When I first met Scott and Haleigh, she was just about to finish her Kindergarten year! Now she is about to finish her 6th grade year! WOW where did the time go?
On Feb. 20 we had Haleigh family birthday party! It was lots of fun! PopPop G and MomMom P came, Uncle Nathan, Aunt Kerri, Landon and Logan all came too! We started the day of waiting for Murphy Jo to wake up from her morning nap! Then we all got ready and went to Babes Homecookin' in Frisco! That place is so yummy! When we came back we played for awhile then Haleigh got to open her gifts and we had a cookie cake and ice cream!
Haleigh is so special and is so loved by so many! I hope this year brings her much joy and tons of happiness! We love sweet Hay-Seed! Thank you for making our life better!

Isn't she beautiful?

Valentines Day!

My parents came down to visit us on V-Day! We had a ton of fun! We didn't do anything "out on the town" we just stayed at home and relaxed! I thought I took more pictures but I didn't.... oops, sorry mom and dad:( They just love hanging out with Murphy Jo! As you can tell in the pictures she keeps them laughing! They kept saying "she is the happiest baby we have ever seen"!
Thanks Granny Smith and Poppy John for coming to visit! Next time I will take more pictures! I PROMISE!

What a perfect day!

Murphy Jo and I got an unexpected snow day together! It was super fun! We didn't go out in the snow, because Murphy Jo does not have any "snow clothes"! So we just stayed inside and enjoyed our day together! We played, ate, played some more, took LOOOONNNNGGG naps but the best part of the whole day was watching Murphy Jo read! It was so cute! She picked up the book "Love you Forever" and she laid on her beanbag and read for a good 15 mins! And I am not kidding! It was amazing! She would read and then look at me, read some more and turn the pages.... I loved watching her in action! As a teacher, one of my biggest hope for Murphy Jo is that she has a love for reading! We are starting out pretty good!

Watching daddy out on his photo session!
Reading! Do you notice her mouth? She was REALLY reading:)

My Beautiful baby girl!
This one cracks me up! She is totally relaxing! If you notice she has the book closed, feet up and is STILL READING! Man she is good!
I can NOT believe how big she is! My sweet baby girl is growing up:(

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.... again!

On Feb. 12, we got some of the most beautiful snow ever! The news said the at DFW it was reported we got 12.5 inches of snow. I don't think we actually got that much at our house, but it was so stinkin beautiful! I had to share some pictures! My sweet husband was so cute, he went outside and just started taking a ton of pictures! Here are a few from his photo session!

The best part of this beautiful snow is..... we got a snow day! YAY, I got to send the best day ever with Murphy Jo! We didn't go out in the snow, but we had so much fun! Thanks Mother Nature for allowing me that surprise day with my sweet baby!

Big Sister, I watch you and I learn!

Haleigh is so amazing with Murphy Jo! And I tell you, Murphy Jo is so in love with her! It is so cool to see how Murphy Jo lights up when her BIG sister walks in the room. Haleigh can get Murphy Jo to laugh really hard. It is so cute! She takes such good care of her! It melts my heart to see them together! I guess as a mom you never know how sisters are going to react to each other, but from the looks of things...... I think they are going to be buds!
Thanks Haleigh for being so amazing to Murphy Jo! She totally adores you! Thank you for the example you are! I know that Murphy Jo will have great footsteps to follow! We love you very much!

Look how much she loves her big sister!
Beautiful girls!
So Sweet!
Scott loves this picture! He loves how Murphy Jo is really watching what Haleigh does! It is so cute and just a reminder of how she really looks up to her sister!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Our First real BooBoo

We knew it would happen soon and we know there are many more to come!
Murphy Jo fell at Aunt Andie's house the first week of Feb. She was being over confident in her standing and moving skills and in mid move she got scared and fell forward. She actually scratched herself with her own fingernail! And this is the end product! Needless to say, when we got home that night, I cut her nails!
I know it is not to bad, but wanted to blog about it anyway!
Love that face!

Little Gym-- Take 2!

Well, as you read in my last blog, my sweet baby girl was not a huge fan of Little Gym. I am here to report that the 2nd time around was a HUGE success! She LOVED it! Now at first she was not real sure of everything, but she soon got comfortable and off she went. (That took like, 5 mins!) She was crawling ALL over the place and of course my first thought is it follow her around. I was very quickly correct by Mr. Zack (Mr. Travis was not there this time)! Anyway, Mr. Zack told us how important it is for our little one to "explore" on their own and build that confidence! He said they would come back to you when they need to and not to worry! So that is what I did! I let her "explore"! She was up on different mats and as she would come off the mats she would go head first, but we never in danger! She loved it a lot this time! She made a few friends! It was fun to watch her interact with other kids! She was back to her happy self! And I was one happy momma! Towards the end the funniest thing happened! There is this sweet little girl that is about 14 months old.. she is a walker but for some reason towards the end of class she was crawling, Murphy Jo took to her and was "chase crawling" all over the BIG RED MAT with her! It was so funny! This little girl was in our class last week to, I don't think Murphy Jo remembered her, but she had fun playing with her this time!

So, we are very happy she likes Little Gym now! I was not able to take any pictures because I was there alone:( Scott was at home working on Murphy Jo's bedroom!!!! Maybe one day I will get some pictures up!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

YAY for the Little Gym!

On Monday, Feb. 1, 2010 Murphy Jo went to her first Little Gym class! Let me re-cap on what kind of girl I have! She is super happy, always smiles, hardly ever cries, very social and loves to climb all over us! Okay with all that said.... here is how her first class went. We walked in and Mr. Zack welcomed us! He was so nice and just talked and talked to Murphy Jo! Murphy Jo was totally flirting with him! He told us what our class would be like and kinda what to expect! With everything he said I had NO doubt that this was the place for my sweet girl!

So we took our shoes off and we were off to our FIRST CLASS.... oh boy was I in for a big surprise! And so was Murphy Jo! She was NOT a fan of the Little Gym class! She cried and cried. She would NOT leave my sight, she would NOT stand up! She wanted me to hold her the whole time! The instructor, Mr. Travis was so cool! He let Murphy Jo be and let her try and get used to everything on her own time!

Let me set the scene for you! When you walk into the class, there are other little people with their mommies and daddies, there are bright colors and there is a ton of equipment! Then you have Mr. Travis, a tall dark headed young man who is FULL of energy and is pretty loud. He plays the guitar and sings loud songs. There is clapping and slapping on the floor and there is all kinds of movement. As you can tell this is a lot for a little girl who's parent are pretty quiet, who is at a babysitter who is pretty quiet and in our homes we have natural colors... nothing to bright and colorful!

Murphy Jo was having the hardest time ever! But when her daddy showed up, she became a show-off! She was all smiles..... didn't want to get out of my sight and was not willing to explore things but she was not crying. I was so relieved! Scott came in to the class and helped me out with her! Then the best thing ever happened! Mr. Travis got out the bubbles and after that Murphy Jo loved the class! (that was the last 10 mins of class) She crawling all over the place! She was even crawling all over Mr. Travis!

All in all she had a good time! The other parents in the class were so encouraging to me! They all told me that it took their little ones 3 or 4 weeks to get used it everything! We will keep going and I am sure in a few weeks she will go in like a PRO and love doing all the fun dances and songs!

So needless to say, I was NOT able to take any pictures. That broke my heart, but I will try and take some next week!

It's family TIME!!!

On Saturday we went to Red Oak, Texas to visit Scott's sister's family, his dad and his step-mom! We had so much fun! (We were supposed to go to Oklahoma to visit my parents, but Mother Nature brought them a HUGE ice storm, so we had to reschedule)

We had the best family time ever! It is always so much for to get together with family and just play and have a good time! We love watching our twin nephews grow and play! They say some of the funniest things ever! I can't believe they are 4 1/2 years old. Where did the time go! With them around it is double the fun and double the entertainment! It is so funny watching Murphy Jo "play" with them! She is not really playing, she is watching what they do!

Haleigh was with us this past weekend, so she got to enjoy all the fun! She is so much older than all the kids, but she is soooooo good with them! I know it must be hard for her being around little ones all the time, but she and her Aunt Kerri played LOTS of Wii! I think she had a great time!

Below you will find some pictures of our day! They are not in order, but I hope you enjoy them anyway!

The 3 most important people in my life!
Sweet Haleigh! Isn't she so BEAUTIFUL!!!
MomMom P with all her grandkids! Boy is it hard to get everyone to look at smile at the same time!
These are the coolest things ever! They are so fast! It is so fun to watch the boys ride around the yard!
Murphy Jo was worn out! She finally fell asleep on her daddy!
Pop Pop G tried to take a nap, but the boys were not having it!
The grandkids! Like I said, hard to get everyone to look and smile at the same time:)
Haleigh and Logan
Miss Beautiful
I love this picture! They both look so beautiful!
Pop Pop G and his Happy Grandgirls!