Tuesday, February 2, 2010

YAY for the Little Gym!

On Monday, Feb. 1, 2010 Murphy Jo went to her first Little Gym class! Let me re-cap on what kind of girl I have! She is super happy, always smiles, hardly ever cries, very social and loves to climb all over us! Okay with all that said.... here is how her first class went. We walked in and Mr. Zack welcomed us! He was so nice and just talked and talked to Murphy Jo! Murphy Jo was totally flirting with him! He told us what our class would be like and kinda what to expect! With everything he said I had NO doubt that this was the place for my sweet girl!

So we took our shoes off and we were off to our FIRST CLASS.... oh boy was I in for a big surprise! And so was Murphy Jo! She was NOT a fan of the Little Gym class! She cried and cried. She would NOT leave my sight, she would NOT stand up! She wanted me to hold her the whole time! The instructor, Mr. Travis was so cool! He let Murphy Jo be and let her try and get used to everything on her own time!

Let me set the scene for you! When you walk into the class, there are other little people with their mommies and daddies, there are bright colors and there is a ton of equipment! Then you have Mr. Travis, a tall dark headed young man who is FULL of energy and is pretty loud. He plays the guitar and sings loud songs. There is clapping and slapping on the floor and there is all kinds of movement. As you can tell this is a lot for a little girl who's parent are pretty quiet, who is at a babysitter who is pretty quiet and in our homes we have natural colors... nothing to bright and colorful!

Murphy Jo was having the hardest time ever! But when her daddy showed up, she became a show-off! She was all smiles..... didn't want to get out of my sight and was not willing to explore things but she was not crying. I was so relieved! Scott came in to the class and helped me out with her! Then the best thing ever happened! Mr. Travis got out the bubbles and after that Murphy Jo loved the class! (that was the last 10 mins of class) She crawling all over the place! She was even crawling all over Mr. Travis!

All in all she had a good time! The other parents in the class were so encouraging to me! They all told me that it took their little ones 3 or 4 weeks to get used it everything! We will keep going and I am sure in a few weeks she will go in like a PRO and love doing all the fun dances and songs!

So needless to say, I was NOT able to take any pictures. That broke my heart, but I will try and take some next week!

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