Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's family TIME!!!

On Saturday we went to Red Oak, Texas to visit Scott's sister's family, his dad and his step-mom! We had so much fun! (We were supposed to go to Oklahoma to visit my parents, but Mother Nature brought them a HUGE ice storm, so we had to reschedule)

We had the best family time ever! It is always so much for to get together with family and just play and have a good time! We love watching our twin nephews grow and play! They say some of the funniest things ever! I can't believe they are 4 1/2 years old. Where did the time go! With them around it is double the fun and double the entertainment! It is so funny watching Murphy Jo "play" with them! She is not really playing, she is watching what they do!

Haleigh was with us this past weekend, so she got to enjoy all the fun! She is so much older than all the kids, but she is soooooo good with them! I know it must be hard for her being around little ones all the time, but she and her Aunt Kerri played LOTS of Wii! I think she had a great time!

Below you will find some pictures of our day! They are not in order, but I hope you enjoy them anyway!

The 3 most important people in my life!
Sweet Haleigh! Isn't she so BEAUTIFUL!!!
MomMom P with all her grandkids! Boy is it hard to get everyone to look at smile at the same time!
These are the coolest things ever! They are so fast! It is so fun to watch the boys ride around the yard!
Murphy Jo was worn out! She finally fell asleep on her daddy!
Pop Pop G tried to take a nap, but the boys were not having it!
The grandkids! Like I said, hard to get everyone to look and smile at the same time:)
Haleigh and Logan
Miss Beautiful
I love this picture! They both look so beautiful!
Pop Pop G and his Happy Grandgirls!

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