Sunday, January 24, 2010

9 Months old..... REALLY:)

(I know the title say 9 months! I am doing some back tracking! Really she will be 10 months on Tuesday!!! But we will get to that later)

Murphy Jo had her 9 month apt on Dec. 30, 2009! She is so good at her apts and Mrs. Amber is always a joy to see. We just love her bunches and bunches! If you need a good Dr. she is one you should try!!!

Anyway, once again we got a really good report! Murphy Jo is doing AMAZING! She weighed 20 pounds and 11 oz. (78%), 29.5 inches (95%) and her head cir. is 17 3/4 (78%) Once again it is proven she is LONG and LEAN!!!!

We are free to eat any table foods! Well, I say any.... we can't have eggs, peanuts, honey or shellfish! And we are to go slow on oranges and strawberries! Everything else is great! We have done some, but I am just going slow with all that! It is so hard for me to believe she is growing up so fast.
We truly have a amazing girl that God has trusted us with! I promise to show her the world and love her! Thank you Jesus for this amazing blessing! We promise to do our best with your help!

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