Thursday, January 28, 2010

Playdate with Emma Kate

Murphy Jo and I love to get to hang out with friends. I love to watch Murphy Jo around "little people" and I think it is really important for her to have playdates!
Sweet Emma Kate is 3 months old. She is the daughter of my super sweet friend, Meghan Ross. Meghan was my student teacher a few years ago and taught with me at Kerr! She is another one of my lucky friends that gets to stay home with their sweet baby!
When we first got to Meghan's house Emma Kate was sleeping, so it was all about Murphy Jo and believe me she didn't mind at all! BUT we were so excited when Emma Kate woke up! She is such a DOLL! It is so hard to believe Murphy Jo was that small! Anyway, Emma Kate and Murphy Jo were so funny at their first official meeting! Murphy Jo was "acting" like she was crying and then she would stop. Well, that would get Emma Kate going and she would kinda cry and my sweet loving Murphy Jo would laugh and when Emma Kate would stop "crying", Murphy Jo would "cry" again to make Emma Kate "cry" again and you guessed it Murphy Jo would laugh...... OH BOY I THINK WE HAVE OUR HANDS FULL!!!!
Thank you Emma Kate and Meghan for letting us come over! We had so much fun!

Look at that beautiful girl!

Murphy Jo loves looking at herself in the mirror. It was so cute watching her "talk" to herself in the mirror!
And she even loved kissing herself! I just love this little girl!

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