Thursday, January 28, 2010

Playdate with G-Man (Garrett Icenhower)

Murphy Jo and I had a fun playdate with my sweet friend Carla and her sweet and super cute son Garrett! (G-Man) We just love getting to hang out with them! Carla and I taught together at Kerr. She is super sweet and is really missed at Kerr. She gets to stay home with that sweet little guy!
Our playdate was fun! It was so funny to watch Garret and Murphy Jo interact! It was also funny to watch them get jealous when their own moms were playing/holding the other one!

Garrett is a miracle and a blessing! We are lucky to have such a wonderful group of people to play with! Thanks for letting us come over!

My sweet friend Carla with Garrett and Murphy Jo
I just love this boy! Isn't he so cute?

Love, Love, LOVE this picture!
I thought is picture was so funny and so cute! Carla had a small bag of cookies and Murphy Jo went right up to her, pulled herself up and acted like she was asking for a cookie. It was so cute!
Buddies! Murphy Jo almost 10 months and G-Man almost a year old!

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