Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our first Christmas as a family of 4

WOW what a fun night we had! Christmas time has always been one of my favorite times of year, but being able to start our own traditions and being together as a family was the best ever! Murphy Jo had so much fun opening up gifts! HAHA, just kidding Murphy Jo had so much fun playing in the wrapping paper! So was so cute! She loved everything she got but that evening it just didn't interest her! Haleigh had a great time as well opening all her gifts! She always makes out like a bandit! And this year was no different. I would say our girls are very blessed with many people that love them!

Murphy Jo hanging with the paper:)
Hmmm, lets see what else can I get into?

Haleigh got a Stars shirt and Stars Hockey tickets from Scott and I. They went to the Stars game on New Years Eve together!

Mommy and Murphy Jo opening one of the gifts from MomMom J and PopPop T! She has finally mastered this gift! She now knows how to put the balls in the holes! It is so funny to watch her do this! Her fine motor skills are improving everyday!

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